“Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
-Malachy McCourt
Do you feel disappointed, have ideas about how things should be, or think that others should approach life the way you do? When we try to impose our will on others, and on life in general, we are arguing with reality. We find ourselves steeped in resentment, frustration and stress.
Thoughts can feel so powerful and real, but thoughts are simply thoughts, not facts. Often, we become anchored to our thoughts in such a way that we can see no other way. And, the way we see things causes us great pain and suffering. I can helps yo identify thoughts that interfere with living a life of peace. In seeking the truth, we gain freedom.
“No one can give you freedom but you.”
-Byron Katie
While stress is a typical part of daily life, intense or ongoing stress is our body’s way of letting us know that things are not right. Stress may sometimes manifest as muscle tension, stomach problems or headaches. Stress often interferes with our ability to function, and can stop us cold in our tracks. Ongoing stress contributes to serious mental and physical health problems.
You might feel tired all the time and have difficulty concentrating. Or, maybe you worry about your future and feel constantly on edge. You may have racing thoughts and have difficulty falling or staying asleep.
I can help you decrease your stress and anxiety, opening up pathways that lead to a calmer, more focused life. If you are ready to learn how to take things in stride and live a more peaceful life, let’s get started now.
While it is normal to occasionally experience the blues or feel sad about a specific situation, depression is more than just feeling down in the dumps for a few days. Ongoing depression may be a sign that something is not okay.
Depression is not an imaginary experience.
If you feel unmotivated, empty or have difficulty concentrating . . .
If you feel isolated from others or disinterested in activities you typically enjoy . . .
If you constantly feel sad, guilty or worthless . . .
If you feel like you just want to disappear . . .
. . .you may be suffering from depression.
Depression occurs even when it seems as though we have no reason to feel sad.
Together we can discover the source of your feelings and develop a plan so that you may live a healthier and more satisfying life.